Congratulations Natalie Tarantino

SCPDA is proud to announce that Natalie Tarantino has become a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers , one of the premier legal associations in North America.

The special induction ceremony at which Natalie became a Fellow took place at the 2020 Spring Meeting of the College in Tucson, Arizona.  Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only and only after careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers of diverse backgrounds, who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility, and collegiality.

Lawyers must have a minimum of fifteen years of trial experience before they can be considered for Fellowship. Membership in the College cannot exceed one percent of the total lawyer population of any state or province. The College maintains and seeks to improve the standards of trial practice, professionalism, ethics, and the administration of justice through education and public statements on the independence of the judiciary, trial by jury, respect for the rule of law, access to justice, and fair and just representation of all parties to legal proceedings.

Natalie has been with SCPDA since 1995 and has spent her entire legal career in public defense. We feel lucky to have her and know she will contribute positively to the ACTL and its mission.

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